
December 2, 2018

VERnetzX Supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 3

Jonas Pfrang and Felix Seifert presented the prototype of VERnetzX at SAP's Next-Gen meetup at Heidelberg.

Felix Seifert presenting VERnetzX at SAP's Next-Gen meetup at Heidelberg.VERnetzX is the concept for a voice-operated Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) system based on Amazon Alexa. This system for the older generation supports the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being (UN SDG 3).

In November 2018, Jonas Pfrang and I presented at SAP’s Next-Gen event how VERnetzX supports the achievement of UN SDG 3. The event happened  in Heidelberg, Germany, and we presented our prototype amongst the presentations of other established  companies. At the same time, our team was awarded the DX Award by the Digital Experience Network and the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 3

VERnetzX is a voice-operated AAL system based on Amazon Alexa which supports the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3.The UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 (UN SDG 3) wants to ensure healthy lives everywhere. Furthermore, a healthy life  should be possible at all ages. Till now, lots of goals and achievements mentioned are concerning the lives of people in developing countries, with many of the targets being focused on children and newborns. Mainly, physical/tangible measurements are taken into account.

“Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development.”

Nevertheless, mental health is important as well. Not only people in countries with a low Human Development index should be supported but also people in countries with a higher index. A lack of healthcare workforce is prevalent in both developing and developed countries and helping people to live more healthily would result in reducing the need of an armada of health workers.

VERnetzX and UN SDG 3

The focus of the project VERnetzX is to ensure the mental health of the older generation. The prototype addresses the differences between the varied communication media used by different generations. Additionally, the communication between generations in the more and more globalised world could be facilitated.

The idea and concept of this AAL system based on Amazon Alexa can be found in the article VERnetzX: Voice-operated Social Network.

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